We would love for you to consider serving our community through a Ministry Team. These teams help our church function well and allow us to offer a warm welcome to our friends and neighbors. Once you sign up, the team leader will be in touch soon regarding details of each team. Thank you for being willing to serve with your time, gifts, and energy!

MERCY AND MISSIONS TEAM- This team that will be tasked with identifying local mission and ministry opportunities for Trinity Grace to partner. This team will also be responsible for identifying ministry initiatives, encouraging and praying for Gospel-centered ministries in our area.

SUNDAY OPERATIONS TEAM - This team is responsible for setting up and tearing down our worship space on a weekly basis. Normally this means setting up for worship on Sunday mornings from 7:30-8:30a. Tear down happens 15 minutes after the service ends on Sunday. This team will also be responsible for ushering duties on Sunday morning during the service.

HOSPITALITY TEAM - This team works to make our worship space a hospitable place on Sunday mornings. Typically members of this team arrives at 8:15a on Sunday morning to prepare coffee, water, and snacks for our Sunday morning gathering. This team is also tasked with making sure our worship space is generally warm and inviting.

TGC KIDS TEAM - This team will be responsible for hosting our children (age K through 2nd grade) for an age appropriate Bible lesson and worship time during the sermon on Sunday mornings. This is a great opportunity to serve and love our kids through teaching, song, and fun!

AUDIO/VISUAL TEAM - This team is responsible for setting up and running sound for our Sunday morning worship service. It also is responsible for the Sunday morning worship service livestream. The sound team arrives on Sunday morning at 7:45a to setup. The livestream team arrive at 8:30a on Sunday morning to setup. If you're technically inclined, we'd love to welcome you to this team!

YOUTH MINISTRY TEAM - This team will be responsible for cultivating a ministry to the youth at Trinity Grace. Our goal is to have a monthly meeting that consists of fellowship, food, fun, and Bible study. We would also like to have occasional youth social events so that friendships can be formed and friends can be introduced to Christian community. If you have a desire to work with our youth (middle and high school students) please consider joining this team!

MUSIC TEAM - If you're gifted with an instrument or voice, we would love to know about it! Also if you would like to help with sound equipment set up and tear down, this is the team for you.