Trinity Grace Nursery


Welcome to the Nursery at Trinity Grace Church! It is a huge privilege and responsibility to serve and care for the little ones in our congregation from the age of 3 months to 4 years old. The nursery is a joyful and safe environment where the children will learn more about Christ. 

The nursery is staffed by wonderful paid sitters and volunteers from our congregation who have all been through a thorough background check and child safety training. They are prepared to care for and love your children well as you worship. To read more about our Children’s Ministry Protection Policy, please click here. 

Our nursery is split into two rooms to accommodate our ever growing congregation: 

  • Infants/Toddlers: Babies 3 months up to children 2 years old

  • Preschool: Children 3 and 4 years old

The preschool aged children will enjoy a song, bible story, and play time. Kids are also taught an age appropriate bible story to begin learning about Jesus and his love for us. 

Sickness Policy

Please use good judgment and love for others when considering whether or not your child is well enough to attend the nursery. If you or child has experienced any of the following symptoms, please stay home: 

  • CoronaVirus Symptoms (fever, fatigue, muscle weakness, cough, nasal congestion, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat)

  • Cold symptoms (coughing, excessive sneezing, yellowish discharge from nose or eyes)

  • Fever of 100.5 or above in the last 24 hours  

  • Diarrhea or Vomiting in the last 24 hours

  • Questionable Rashes

If a volunteer observes any of these symptoms while in the nursery, parents may be called to remove their child for the safety of everyone. 

If you have any questions regarding the nursery at Trinity Grace Church, please contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Brittany McCanlies, at