Dear Members of Trinity Grace -
The Session of Trinity Grace is welcoming the congregation to submit nominations for ruling elder and deacon through the month of October. These nominations will be for the officer class of 2028.
Any communing member of Trinity Grace is welcome to make a nomination for the office of elder or deacon. All officers at Trinity Grace are elected to serve 3 year terms. At the conclusion of a term of service, an elder or a deacon may serve two consecutive terms if he is re-nominated, re-examined by the session, and elected by the congregation at the conclusion of each term. This means that our class of 2025 (including Deacons Jim DeVries and James Watson) will be rolling off the diaconate unless they are re-nominated and re-elected to serve another 3 year term.
As you may know, the office of elder is focused primarily on spiritual care of the congregation, guarding the vision and mission of Trinity Grace, and exercising oversight of the ministries and budget of Trinity Grace.
According to our Book of Church Order (Chapter 8): “It belongs to those in the office of elder, both severally and jointly, to watch diligently over the flock committed to his charge, that no corruption of doctrine or of morals enter therein. They must exercise government and discipline, and take oversight not only of the spiritual interests of the particular church, but also the Church generally when called thereunto. They should visit the people at their homes, especially the sick. They should instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the Church. They should set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by their zeal to evangelize the unconverted, make disciples, and demonstrate hospitality. All those duties which private Christians are bound to discharge by the law of love are especially incumbent upon them by divine vocation, and are to be discharged as official duties. They should pray with and for the people, being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the flock.”
The office of deacon is focused primarily on providing the ministry of mercy, service, and sympathy to those with physical needs in our congregation and community. The deacons will also be charged with leading the congregation in areas of practical servant leadership.
According to our Book of Church Order (Chapter 9): “It is the duty of the deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. It is their duty also to develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to devise effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to distribute these gifts among the objects to which they are contributed. They shall have the care of the property of the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in proper repair the church edifice and other buildings belonging to the congregation.”
In order to be nominated, a candidate must receive at least 3 nominations from 3 different family units, excluding his own. Once nominated, candidates will engage in officer training and examination in hopes of them being presented to the congregation for election in early February 2024.
As you prayerfully consider who you might nominate for the office of elder or deacon, please keep in mind the character qualifications required for each office as found in 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:6-9.
It might also be helpful to think about men you might potentially nominate using these 3 broad categories:
Character - Does this man exhibit the character qualities outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1? You will notice that both passages focus primarily on the character qualities required from church officers. As you consider who the Lord might be calling you to nominate, spend some time considering your potential nominee through the lens of these character qualities.
Competence - Does this man have the ability and competence to carry out the calling of this church office? Our calling is simply to recognize who the Lord has already gifted for each of these offices. Do you see a man already engaged in the work of an elder and a deacon in an informal and organic way? That is a good sign! The Lord is inviting us to recognize the men he has uniquely gifted for each of these roles and chances are the men God is calling to these formal roles are already engaged in the work of the offices in an informal manner.
Compatibility - Does this man embrace and promote the gospel-centered, gracious culture that Trinity Grace has cultivated over the past 7 years? We desire men to serve as officers who deeply believe in our philosophy of ministry and want to continue to cultivate the gracious, gospel-centered culture that has been established in our community. This is an often overlooked category when it comes to considering church officers, but a man who has the character and competence but doesn’t want to shape the same gracious culture in our community can be counter-productive.
So as you read through the biblical qualifications and consider these 3 broad categories, please be praying about who the Lord might be leading you to nominate to fill these important roles in the life of our church.
You can obtain a nomination form on Sunday morning or by clicking the button below. A table will be set up in the lobby area to receive nominations through the month of October. You can also submit nominations electronically to the following email address:
We invite you to join us in prayer for this season of officer nominations. If you have any questions or would like to process officer nominations in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of your current Elders at Trinity Grace.
In the hope of the Gospel,
The Session of Trinity Grace Church